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2008 --- -- [CAN]----- [USA]0------
Dark Bay / Brown
14.1+ H 850lbs
Sire: Westrek Arnett
Dam: Bridlesweet Laura May
This young filly has the same sire as our Mythos Welcome on the stallions page, I had long wanted a daughter of Arnett's to cross with DoubleZ Precious Nugget to carry on those two lines to Archie O, and when Arnett's owner decided to reduce her breeding program she offered me the opportunity to purchase a few horses. Dignity is a beautifully bred filly who we look forward to working with and eventually moving to our breeding program.
Dignity is a filly that embodies her name, she is quiet, level headed, and handles new situations easily. She and Mythos Harmony have settled into life here well and we look forward to getting both fillies started under saddle in the future. Dignity has a beautiful trot which brings to mind Currier & Ives prints of the Morgans of old, I could not be happier with this young mare. She has smooth upheaded movement, and reaches under herself well showing a flowing trot with little back movement and seems to have a rocking horse style canter. Her head is short and blocky with a large soft eye. She truly is the embodiment of the old style Morgan which her pedigree is filled with.
Dignity's breeding is 100% Foundation and is a wonderful combination of old Morgan bloodlines seldom seen in this concentration today. Her pedigree includes multiple lines to Archie O, Ben Franklin, King Herod, and of course Sherman Morgan through Daniel Lambert and other lines, who sired many fine trotting horses in his day.
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